Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Corinthians 9:7

Here's a truth that's rare in the Bible. It tells us what God particularly loves. He loves when His children give to others with a joyful heart, not "grudgingly". He wants us to give, because we have a longing desire to give, and without wanting something back in return.
Surely God loves to bless us, and He shall give grace back to His children who, by His grace, have been cheerful givers. Though the rewards from our Lord may not be until we reach our truest home, which is when we finally go home to be with the Lord Jesus.

There's an awful lot of truth in this short half a verse. I encourage us all to go and study about God's love for us, and how we please Him. I believe our lives would be more full of His grace and truth, if we would study His Word more, and in specific ways, like looking for passages that speak about what God loves and is pleased with, instead of simply thinking that God is love, and He loves everything the same, and so we have a false god really we are living for.

I know I need to spend more time in the Word, and be with Christ, and pray, and ask for His blessing so that I may come to know Jesus more fully, and even what is on His heart, what He loves, and even what He hates, so that I might serve others more, and myself less.

Christ gave Himself, even to become a curse, and be crucified for our sins, which He never had to really. But He did: For the glory of His Father's name and grace, and because He loved us, His lost children.
Lord help us to be cheerful givers. Looking ahead to the joy we will experience with You one day, when we see You face to face. And in Your mercy and grace, if You bless us here in this pilgrimage of ours, then let us always be thankful and give praise to Your name, and be motivated to serve others in even greater ways, because of Your grace. Amen.


Craver Vii said...

And amen.

One of my church-mates, as he got ready to pray before a time of offering, shared how much he loves this part of the service, because he is privileged to participate. It serves to him as a reminder of what God has given, and now, from this man's perspective, the time of giving is a time of celebration!

donsands said...

"privileged to participate"

That's so true. We, none of us, deserve to give, and yet it is our duty, and God gives us a heart that longs to give. Grace upon grace really.

Nice to hear from you Craver.

Maalie said...

Greetings Donsands! If your roots are in Ireland, you can regard my own post today as for you :-)