Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

[St. Patrick's Day, Cork City, Ireland]

I like to see all the celebrating on St. Patrick's Day. Some of it can be overdone though, especially with so many people getting drunk. But it can be a day where we celebrate this great servant of the Lord Jesus Christ as well. I have borrowed a little bit about who this Christian man was, and posted it, and also a couple photos of the crazy ways people celebrate this day.

"..he [St. Patrick] lived from 340 to 460, and ministered in what is modern day northern Ireland from 428 onwards. On 17th March St.Patrick's day is celebrated to remember him and what he did. This is celebrated across the world.

As one of the earliest Christian missionaries traveling abroad to spread the Christian faith, Saint Patrick is important because he serves as a testament to the overall missionary legacy of the Church. His example afforded later Christian missionaries the opportunity to assess the best methods to employ when confronting pagan groups abroad. Perhaps the most significant aspect of Saint Patrick’s missionary efforts in Ireland was that he transcended the boundary between Church hierarchy and prominent Church Fathers in terms of the viability of missionary pursuits. Saint Patrick proved that any Christian could live out the Scriptural commandment to spread the word of God while “exalting and confessing his wonders before all the nations that are under the heavens.” Patrick’s example would inspire later missionaries to undertake great missions to evangelize abroad in later years."

[The Chicago River is dyed green each year for the St. Patrick's Day celebration, shown here in 2008.]


Ted M. Gossard said...


Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours, Don!!!

Yes, I'm in the mood to celebrate today. We have so much to celebrate in our wondrous, glorious Lord. And a nice Spring day here, to boot!

donsands said...

Thanks for stopping by Ted.

Anonymous said...

Funny...they die the Chicago river...

Go to NYC you wouldn't have to die the water in the Hudson, or the East river.... ;)

Thanks for the post Don.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Great comment on being, over on Susan's blog, Don. I tried to follow up a bit on that.



donsands said...

Yeah Ted I saw your follow up, and it was good stuff. I also answered Simon.
May the Lord use us for His glory, and may His mercy be poured out. Amen.