Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A second Happy St. Patrick's Day post. God bless all who visit this Blog.

Here's a bit of a sceen of a movie me wife and I like to watch together on St. Patrick's Day.
Barry Fitzgerald, the Match Maker, is my second favorite character in this classic film, next to Victor McLaglen.


Craver Vii said...

No way!!! (lol) I just saw that movie for the first time EVER, last night! It was absolutely hilarious!! We skipped our small group study and one of the families instead hosted a corned beef and cabbage dinner, followed by a viewing of The Quiet Man. There is so much to like about that movie.

We were rolling on the floor when the new husband gets home after the big squabble, and the wife hands him a stick to beat her with. I turned to my wife, and said, "Well..." (suggesting that she should do the same). I'd never hit her of course, but she gave me this cutting glare across the room and we all exploded into a huge roar of laughter.

One of the things that makes this film great, is that ALL of the characters are done so well. It doesn't rely exclusively on the principal actors.

donsands said...

I've been watching for a while now every St Paddy's Day. Patti, joined me last year.

"One of the things that makes this film great, is that ALL of the characters are done so well. It doesn't rely exclusively on the principal actors."

Good point Craver. I love the opening sceen where the Irish men are giving directions to Sean Thornton.