Friday, April 03, 2009

Pyromaniacs: Non Sola Scriptura: the Blackaby view of God's will — 2

Pyromaniacs: <i>Non Sola Scriptura:</i> the Blackaby view of God's will — 2

Check out this book review, and also, teaching, by Pastor Dan Phillips, where he exposes the real danger of the way Henry and Richard Blackaby of Blackaby Ministries International think how we need to hear from God.

I pray the Church would open her ears, to the Scriptures, and not to her own heart, and so become rooted and grounded, and not so easily blown to and fro by the hundreds of winds of false doctrines swirling about within the Body of Christ, which prey upon our emotions and minds. Amen.


Craver Vii said...

That's why I like the way J.D. Hatfield blogs and preaches. No man is infallible, but he relies heavily on what he can draw from Scripture, and backs it up with Scripture and cross references it with more Scripture. More people need to back up their claims with the Word. Better yet... more people need the Word as the source to their claims.

donsands said...

How true Craver. And the Holy Bible is a precious gift, and treasure to us. It's just not seen this way in our post-modern Church.

And of course the Holy Spirit lives within us, and bears witness to our spirits that we are God's children. And so we have joy fill our hearts, because of His love for us; we have wisdom fill our minds; and we have the peace of God rule our hearts, as we go through a life of trials and sorrow. And even the sorrow that grips our hearts is from the Holy Spirit of Christ.

Shiloh Guy said...

Amen, donsands, Amen!