"Now every woman and every man
They want to take a righteous stand
Find the love that God wills
And the faith that He commands
I've got my finger on the trigger
And tonight faith just ain't enough
When I look inside my heart
There's just devils and dust
Well I've got God on my side
And I'm just trying to survive
What if what you do to survive
Kills the things you love
Fear's a dangerous thing
It can turn your heart black you can trust
It'll take your God filled soul
Fill it with devils and dust"
I heard Bruce talk about how he wrote this song about a soldier in Iraq. I think it's a great song. As I listened to it, I reflected on much of the song, knowing how much the Boss is against war, and how he conveys what's in his heart through phrases in his songs like: "Fear's a powerful thing
It can turn your heart black you can trust".
I thought to myself as i listened to this verse, "There's good fear, and bad fear, right?."
It's good to fear God.
It good to have a healthy fear of your Dad: And a healthy fear of the sensible laws established, such as not robbing a bank; not speeding down the highway when there's a police car behind you; etc.
But it's bad, to fear man. Jesus said, "Don't fear man who can kill your body, but rather fear Him, who can destroy both your body and soul in hell."
I would guess that Bruce and I would disagree on the subject of fear.
How I would love to discuss the Bible with him, but, it ain't gonna happen. Hey, that's alright. I'll be praying for Bruce to come to Christ, and His truth, and to the Cross. May as well pray big prayers, because we have a big God, don't we?
One quick side thought: I wish they would play this song on WRBS, our local "Christian" radio station. Well, actually, it's now 95.1 SHINE radio station. They play 100% CCM: 20 % which is good, and the rest mediocre to really bad, sorry to say. Well, that's my opinion, for what it's worth, which probably ain't much.

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