But for the most part it was family friendly, and good.
I was thinking how this 67 year old man went for two and a half straight hours of playing bass, guitar, piano, mandolin, and even a ukulele, that George had given him, and thought, most young performers don't do this. And I liked how Paul did some reminiscing about the other Beatles, and even his late wife Linda.
He's a very pleasant sort of chap, with tremendous charisma, and exceptional talent. His band members were all expert musicians as well.
And he doesn't seem to have a "big head", as they say, about the whole thing.
I mean, to play a guitar in front of 70 some thousand people cheering for you; wouldn't that cause any of us to have a swelled head.
My next post I'll probably have some spiritual things to say about all this as well, or maybe not. But it seems I'm never able to not think of Christ and the kingdom of God in everything I do, or go through, or all the different circumstances in my life. Maybe it's just me being too spiritual; I don't know.
Hey there Donsands! Let's not be so spiritual, ok? For example, I'm jealous of your opportunity to go see Paul McCartney. I covet your sky suite.
Seriously, I know what you mean about running everything through the filter of faith. I have a hard time with this too. When I am in huge crowds like that I keep wishing the MC would say, "Before the concert we'd like to ask Shilohguy to come and preach for fifteen minutes!" I keep wondering how great it would be to be able to give the gospel to that crowd!
Thanks Dave, you are funny.
The neat thing is that I won the tickets from a radio station by simply calling in. I did say a short prayer to the Lord before I called.
Wouls the Lord answer a prayer like that? I believe He did.
Dave, Thanks for stoppin' by. You really blessed me this mroning with your good thoughts.
Hey can one be too spiritual!?
May Paul think of the GOd who blessed him so with talent!
Lisa and I are jealous too. So glad you got to go, bro! Great post this morning!
Amen mommanator to that prayer.
Thanks for stoppin' by Gregorious.
The traffic on the way down was driving me crazy, and I was drivin' Patti nuts, but all in all it was smooth, and a very nice date for Patrice and me.
The guy said he would drink Paul's sweat? Ewwwwww...
Yep. It was double gross to be there and hear this wacko.
Glad you could go and have such a good time.
Yes, I've always liked what I've understood about Paul, while at the same time never expecting him to say that much, but maybe I just wasn't tuned in well. As in the case of you bringing light for me on "Blackbird" and the reason for that song.
And he stuck by Linda. I remember he insisted she keep being a part of Wings because she wanted that, in spite of the critics.
Nice pics.
Paul sang the song "My Love", and before he sang it, he mentioned Linda, and how he wrote it for her. I think it's what he always does.
He's a performer who is a Billionaire. And yet, I still think Linda was the love of his life, though he was very popular with the women.
Actually we don't really know much about McCartney. But we do know he doesn't believe in the Lord, as who the Lord is.
So, as it says in that Kansas song, 'Dust In The Wind',
"Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind"
I think at least a couple guys of Kansas did become believers.
Yes, so true. Sad. Paul did write a cantata once, but don't know what meaning that would have for him. If he was a believer in Jesus, surely we'd hear of it.
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