How I hate that I put up with my sin, and sins. God surely does work within my heart, and renews my mind each day, but each day I still sin, and I hate it.
BUT, there is a day coming when Donald Sands will never sin again! Hallelujah! (I really mean that Hallelujah by the way.)
Until that Day I shall endeavor to live by faith, which means trust Christ, and to seek Him and His righteousness first with all my heart, mind, strength, and soul.
Thank You Lord for the Cross, for dying for me. Life is precious because you gave yourself for me Galatians 2:20.

"The roseate hues of early dawn, the brightness of the day,
The crimson of the sunset sky, how fast they fade away!
O for the pearly gates of Heav’n! O for the golden floor!
O for the Sun of Righteousness that setteth nevermore!
The highest hopes we cherish here, how fast they tire and faint!
How many a spot defiles the robe that wraps an earthly saint!
O for a heart that never sins! O for a soul washed white!
O for a voice to praise our King, nor weary day or night!
Here faith is ours, and heavenly hopes, and grace to lead us higher;
But there are perfectness and peace beyond our best desire.
O by Thy love and anguish, Lord, O by Thy life laid down,
Grant that we fall not from Thy grace, nor cast away our crown!" -Cecil F. Alexander, 1853.
whew, pretty inspiring post! I too sin, but I am learning to be more like Him every day Thanks for the cross INDEED!
Thank You for the Cross Lord.
What a beautiful word, when it comes from a genuine heart of gratitude.
Thanks for coming by sister.
This struck a cord in me. A very close friend of mine -- who like me also struggles with same-sex attraction -- came down to visit for the week. It was so difficult to deal with both our positive feelings for each other (our love as Christian brothers who fight the same fight) and also our illicit desires for one another. Oh for heart that never sins, so I could love him in a way that was totally acceptable to God, and not marred by sin.
Our Father in heaven, bless Jay with your holy strength, so that he can continue to honor You. Thanks You for saving us in spite of how unworthy we are, and Lord Jesus, thank You for making us complete in Yourself; cleansing us from all sin with Your precious blood, and having Your body broken, so that we can be Your Body, and dressed in Your robe of righteousness. Amen.
Thanks for stopping by Jay.
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