"Let us settle it down as a first principle in our religion, that religious privileges are in a certain sense very dangerous things. If they do not help us toward heaven, they will only sink us deeper into hell. ...
Well would it be for all professing Christians in England, if this point was more thoroughly considered! Nothing is more common than to hear men taking comfort in the thought that they "know what" is right, while at the same time they are evidently unconverted, and unfit to die. They rest in that unhappy phrase, "We know it, we know it," as if knowledge could wash away all their sins,--forgetting that the devil has more knowledge than any of us, and yet is no better for it. Let the burning words of our Lord in the passage now before us, sink down into our hearts, and never be forgotten: "If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin." To see light and not use it, to possess knowledge and yet not turn it to account, to be able to say "I know," and yet not to say "I believe," will place us at the lowest place on Christ's left hand, in the great day of Judgment." Bishop JC Ryle, (May 10, 1816 - June 10, 1900)
And here in the USA we have been overwhelmed with the truth of the Lord, and of His Gospel. From the halls of the Capitol Building and the Whitehouse; throughout all the Universities and Colleges across the land; and throughout all the cities and suburbs there are literally tens of thousands of churches and chapels with the Word of the Lord: And hundreds of thousands of crosses erected. Americans have had great revelation of God, and yet we now seem to have less and less light each passing year, and darkness has been falling and is settling upon us I fear.
May Christ once again have mercy on this nation, and allow His light to shine bright,--through His Church and the Holy Scriptures,--and so another Great Awakening to His truth and love takes place. And so the Lord shall be honored as never before, as millions of souls are rescued from the second death. Amen.

i fear until Americans have an awakening we will not be blessed as we previously were.
folk may say-'what can one person do?' well if one by one we got down on our knees Our Lord will hear! USA mucst have this awakening!
Love your heart here, Don. I join you in your closing prayer.
Amen sister.
Thanks Greg.
"Americans have had great revelation of God, and yet we now seem to have less and less light each passing year, and darkness has been falling and is settling upon us I fear."
Well said Don, and I'm afraid I agree with you. As Paul said, "we are without excuse". Excellent post and very timely.
Blessings to you -
Thanks Joe. Have a good and godly weekend and Lord's day.
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