Wednesday, October 07, 2009

"Jesus said to her,'Mary.'" John 20:16

[Duccio di Buoninsegna 1308]

Can you imagine the scene. Mary goes to her Lord's tomb, already heavy with grief and pain, that He was crucified three days earlier. And then she sees that His body is gone, and she weeps even more. In her deep sorrow she can't understand what has happened, even in the midst of angels, and the Lord Himself right there at the sepulchre. But, then, she hears His voice say, "Mary."
The whole time her mind and heart is settled that Jesus is dead, and missing. But then she sees Him, and recognizes Him. Her deep sorry was turned to great joy, as Mary fell before Jesus and wrapped her arms about His ankles and worshipped Him (Matthew 28:9) !

Here are some thoughts from JC Ryle:

"The boundless compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ to His believing people comes out wonderfully in this verse. He can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He knows how weak our bodily frame is, and how much excess sorrow can unnerve and stupefy our minds. He can pass over much darkness of understanding, much slowness of comprehension, when He sees real, genuine, hearty, bold, persevering, thorough love to Himself and His Person. We see this prominently brought with His dealing with Mary Magdalene, when He revealed Himself to her. He graciously pardons her forgetfulness of His oft-repeated declarartion that He would rise again after His death, pities her deep sorrow, and abundantly rewards her love. These things are written for our learning. Jesus never changes. What He was, when He revealed Himself to Mary Magdalene, He is at this day."

When we are going through the deepest pain, I believe Jesus will call our name. Not in person as He did on the first Easter, but through His Holy Spirit, who abides with us, and is in us. We must believe that Christ has always been who He is, even before the universe was created, and on into eternity. His love for His elect is an everlasting love.

[Matthias Grunewald 1432]

Jereimiah 31:3: "the Lord appeared to him from far away.I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."


Craver Vii said...

I like hearing my name. When my wife says my name, it's like music to my ears. There is even a therapeutic effect that happens when I hear my name from my friends and especially church family.

More than that, He knows my name. It is written in the book of life. Can you imagine what it will be like to someday hear the Lord call you by your name? Not even as an earthly dignitary who might read a name badge, but as Creator and Savior; the Lord who knows you intimately. I look forward to hearing my name from Christ himself.

donsands said...

Thanks for sharing those thoughts Craver. Brought a bit a joy.

Yasmin said...

"I look forward to hearing my name from Christ himself" - me too, me too! :D

Beautiful thoughts ...

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit Yasmin