Monday, November 23, 2009

" Intelligent Design?" by R.C. Sproul Jr.

I have bumped into a few atheists in my journey here in this life. I have been able to share the truth with them, and sometimes I step on their toes, and other times I don't. I at times am too timid to speak the truth about Jesus Christ, and other times am full of confidence.

I found these words from RC Sproul, Jr. to be encouraging, and even edifying. And I need all the help I can get.

"It is well and good to reject Darwinism. However, this is not at all the same thing as championing the truthfulness of the Word of God. Do we long for the day when the world affirms that there is a maker of heaven and earth or do we long for the day when the world confesses that Jesus Christ, by whom all things were made, is Lord of heaven and earth? Are we, when we seek to answer the question of origins without appealing to the revelation of the Originator, answering a fool according to his folly, as we ought (Prov. 26:5), or are we answering a fool according to his folly as we ought not (v. 4)?

In the end, Christian advocates of Intelligent Design at least have this right — that the God who made the world reveals Himself in and through the world. We need never fear learning from the creation. It, after all, declares His glory day after day. On the other hand, it is not merely the general revelation of God where we must stand, but on the Word of God. There is the solid ground. There is safety and security. We need not seek to curry favor with those who would gainsay the Word of God. We need instead to call them to repentance.

Our allies in the great war are all those for whom our Commander has died. That includes, of course, not just Christians committed to the biblical account of creation. It also includes those committed to Intelligent Design. It even includes those who trust in the finished work of Christ alone, while affirming theistic evolution. All of us, wherever we are on this spectrum, however, need to strive daily to be more faithful to His Word, to be set apart and distinct from the world around us. And all of us are called to love one another along the way."-Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr.

From Ligonier Ministries and R.C. Sproul. © Tabletalk magazine.
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Craver Vii said...

"Allies. Called to love one another."

Wise words.

Last night I listened to R.C. Jr. present a (DVD) lecture called "God to me." Oh man, that was good stuff!!

mommanator said...

this past Sunday we had a fellow speak on Creationism. He was into bones & stuff, but he gave such a good sermon, not all bones, but bones of Christianity

donsands said...

I like his way of making things simple, and balanced. His Dad isn't too bad either.

Thanks for the thoughts Craver.

A good sermon is food for the soul, and encouragement for the heart. Nice to see you sister. God bless.

Geoff said...

I was an admirer of the late Dr. Sproul Sr. Not so much Junior. Since his defrocking in 2006 he's made total shipwreck of his life. Scandal after scandal. No worries for him though Even though he was forced to resign over a felony DUI (booze and opioids) they're still paying him as an independent contractor.
<a href="<a><b>Ligonier Ministries Still Paying RC Sproul Jr Big Money </b></a>

Geoff said...

We all had a lot of respect for the late Dr. Sproul Sr. Something always struck me as a bit "off" with Junior though. Since his defrocking in 2006 he's made total shipwreck of his life. Scandal after scandal. No worries for him though Even though he was forced to resign over a felony DUI (booze and opioids) they're still paying him as an independent contractor.
Ligonier Ministries Still Paying RC Sproul Jr Big Money

Ministerial Experts said...

Ministerial Expert Rev. Pastor Dr. RC Sproul Jr, D.Min. is now available for consultations with ministers embroiled in scandals. Areas of damage control expertise include, but not limited to, DUI (booze and opioids), online adultery accounts, encouraging women to divorce their husbands in marriage counseling sessions so you can marry them yourself, sexting penis pics to married women, tax fraud, identity theft, pilfering church coffers, fundraising scams, travel expense scams, church keggers, plying minor children with booze, spiritual abuse, bullying congregants, defrockings, and so much more. Rev. Pastor Dr. Sproul Jr provides guidance in pretend-repenting as you arrange being suspended, with full pay. A year later you can return from suspension/paid-vacation as you arrange the terms of your "restoration," along with a pay raise. Should any scandal be of a criminal nature Rev. Pastor Dr. Sproul Jr will counsel you how to resign "for personal reasons" while arranging a massive severance package. Rev. Pastor Dr. Sproul Jr will further guide you how to arrange a steady six-figure paycheck as an independent contractor from the ministry you pretend-resign from. After waiting a year or so for the dust to settle (i.e. memories of your scandals begin to fade) Rev. Pastor Dr. RC Sproul Jr can guide you how to incorporate a 501c3 "church," appoint yourself as its "Pastor," and declare yourself "restored," all because God forgives you. As the head of your very own "church" you can solicit donations to pretend-construct a church building. Not that any donations need be escrowed for land purchase and construction costs though. Just use it to pay yourself a six-figure salary. While it may not be ethical or moral, it's all "legal." Faux-repentance is your key to success. Family connections (nepotism) further enhance your odds of success. For a fee schedule contact RC Sproul Jr via his Ashley Madison account email: