Sunday, June 24, 2012

"When you received the Word of accepted it not as man's word, but THE Word of God."-Paul (Thes. 2:13)

"Nothing is more important in the universe than divine truth. We're saved by the truth and sanctified by the truth. We have hope in the truth. We live by the truth. We love the truth. The greatest need in the world is for truth--divine truth, as revealed by the Scriptures. ......

There's an endless array of things we're taught in the Scripture that are clear and undeniable. .... Above all, the way of salvation through Christ is clear, and the claim that we are fallible will be no excuse for those who reject it. .....

It's not "arrogant" by any biblical standard to declare our confidence in the truth of God's Word ....What's truly arrogant is the notion that God hasn't spoken clearly enough, or that He hasn't told us enough to enable the faithful pastor to teach and preach with that kind of authority. .......Though we cannot know everything perfectly, of course, it does not follow that we cannot know anything for certain. Confusion on that point is the Achilles' heel of postmodern philosophy. ....... The drive-train of authentic Christianity consists of vital doctrines such as the nature of God; the fallenness of humanity; the person and work of Christ; the authorship and inspiration of Scripture; the way of salvation by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone; the nature of Christ's atoning work; and all truths of similar import. .......

When anyone understands and affirms all the essentials of Gospel truth, we can stand together and affirm the honor and glory of God in His redemptive work. We can participate together and affirm one another in the proclamation and defense of the Gospel, and it is a joy and a privilege to do so."-John MacArthur

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