Saturday, December 22, 2007

"And this is life eternal ... to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ". Jesus' prayer to His Father just before His death on the Cross. John 17:3

"The mere knowledge of God is not sufficient, and saves none. We must know the Son as well as the Father. God known without Christ is a Being whom we can only fear, and dare not approach. It is "God in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself," who alone can give to the soul life and peace. ... Unlike the first Adam, who failed to do God's will and brought sin into the world, the second Adam has done all, and left nothing undone that He came to do." -JC Ryle

"And now, O Father, glorify Me with Your own self with the glory I had with You before the world was." John 17:5

"... we read that Christ "had glory with the Father before the world was." Unlike Moses and David, He existed from all eternity, long before He came into the world; and He shared glory with the Father, before He was made flesh and born of the Virgin Mary." -JC Ryle

Christmas is a joyous time, surely because we celebrate the incarnation. We also need to celebrate every single day Christ lived; if not every hour. Moreover, every second Jesus lived on this earth was a perfect sinless second. Though sin was constantly about Him, and darkness ruled this world, Christ remained pure, and He laid His pure life down for us.
Thank You Lord Jesus. And thank You Father for giving us Your most valued and beloved possesion, Your Son. Amen.

Merry Christmas to all!


Paul G said...

Hi Don!

Paul G said...

Well done, great post!
It is sad that ‘JC Ryle’ never knew who the Father was.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

donsands said...

I'm quite sure John Charles Ryle, the beloved Bishop, knew the Father, and even now is in His presence.

I look forward one day to thanking this great man of the Lord for his faithfulness to the gifts God imparted to Him.