Monday, December 31, 2007

"Come unto Me, all you heavy hearted, and I'll give you rest" Matt 11:28

Jesus calls out to us sinners to come to Him for the only geuine rest a soul may find. His rest comes to us through faith and love, and His rest is forgiveness for sin.

We come to Him in trusting that He died for our sins, and has forgiven us for every sin we sinned in this life! And there's forgiveness in no other name but the name of Jesus Christ.
And we come and love Him, but only because He first loved us. He came and saved us by His great mercy; the mercy of the Cross. And He is the risen Lord Jesus Christ! The grave could not hold Him.

Jesus' rest for our souls means we need not fear judgement any longer. Our guilt has been settled at the Cross. Christ became our sin, and He gives us His righteousness. Here is great rest for the soul, but one must cry out for it. And one must know that it is a free gift from a merciful God. Nothing that we deserve, nor could ever merit. We deserve God's judgement. There's only One who never sinned. He alone is worthy, and is pure. And He imputes His pureness to us, and takes our filthy sins upon Himself, and so God the Father's wrath is given to Jesus, His Beloved to drink, and Jesus drinks every drop. What a God and a Savior! We only need to repent and believe. We only need to come and bow our knee to Christ, and ask for mercy.

This is the Gospel, or Good News. And the Church of Jesus is to be proclaiming this message to a lost generation. We should be living "letters" to others around us of God's rest for a soul. God is most glorified in us, when we rest in Him. For it's really God who is doing the work through us. And we can rest in a sovereign Lord, who "purposes to work all things after the counsel of His own will". Eph. 1:11

"Neither life nor death shall ever
From the Lord His children sever;
Unto them His grace He showeth,
And their sorrows all He knoweth.

Though He giveth or He taketh,
God His children ne’er forsaketh;
His the loving purpose solely
To preserve them pure and holy."-Kar­oli­na W. San­dell-Berg,

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