Sunday, December 30, 2007

"...Having a Form of Godliness but Denying its Power." 2 Tim. 3:5

Lewis in 1919, at the age of 21

"A moderate religion is as good for us as no religion at all--and more amusing". -CS Lewis, The Scewtape Letters. 1943

The Apostle Paul not only tells us there are these "kinds-of-people" within the Church, who call themselves children of God, but also charges us: "And from such people turn away!" (Ver. 5)

It seems for me to boil down to a human-centered culture of easy-believism, where the Bible has become simply another book to extract sayings which make me feel good about myself, and others, and even God.

We are becoming less and less Christlike in the mainstream Church, and more and more moral religious people, who preach and teach a cheap grace.
And of course, there are still those who preach to the outer shell of man in a Pharisaic manner, in order to change the outside appearance, however, the heart remains far from understanding Christ's love, and who Christ is.

The heart is the key. We need to have God shape our hearts, and sanctify our hearts. When the heart desires to be godly, then the fruit will come. When the heart loves Christ and His truth, then the daily life of repentance and obedience will gradually happen. And this is always empowered by the Holy Spirit, and through faith alone.

Martin Luther was asked by a leading priest, "What shall you replace all these duties with, and what shall be put in the place of all the things we do?"
Luther's answer was: "Christ!"

May the Lord help us turn from our moral laziness, and once again become fired up for Christ, and His Gospel. Amen.

1 comment:

Paul G said...

Well said!
I like to hear that sound!