Thursday, December 27, 2007

"Have Yourself a Merry little Christmas". -Hugh Martin, 1944

"The Sands Residence: Blakeney Inn"

"Bethlehem ... out of you shall come forth ... the One to be Ruler in Israel" Micah 5:1-2

Christmas can be quite the cheerful season, with all the decorations, gifts, food, and the whole nine yards really.
But without Christ as the focus, it's meaningless. Christ is what Christmas is about. He's the reason we have this cheerful celebrating. He's the King who was born, who came to die for our sins; to deliver us from our chains of iniquity, and from Satan's power.

And He is the King, who shall return one day, and reward all those who love Him, and are faithful to His name.

"For there is born to you this Day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11


Craver Vii said...

It looks so inviting. If I'm ever in your area, I promise not to throw stuff or wrassle, or run with food, or...

donsands said...

Hey Craver, we have 3 grandsons, and even a son-in-law, who love to wrassle, throw stuff, and run...

So not to worry. If you ever come to Bal'mer look us up bro.

Jonathan Moorhead said...

Don, just a quick word to thank you for your comments (and kind words) at the Moor. Sorry I haven't jumped in much lately, but Miriam was just born. If you have a minute, email me so I can have your email address (see my profile for mine). Warm regards,