Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Abortion and Politics and Obama.

11 weeks old.

October 6, 2007, 2:22 pm
Obama Explores Abortion Issue
By Jeff Zeleny

NEW HAMPTON, Iowa – In recent presidential races, when candidates on either side of the ticket would open the floor to take questions from voters, it was fair bet that someone would ask about abortion. This year, at least during the first nine months of the campaign, the issue seems to be aired with far less frequency.
So it’s worth noting the following exchange, which took place in this northeast Iowa town on Friday. A questioner, whom Senator Barack Obama called upon during a campaign stop in a city park, identified himself as a resident of Denver. But he said he was attending a family reunion here.
A common criticism of political coverage is that answers are boiled down to bite-size pieces and presidential debates are reduced to rushed responses. There is, of course, some truth to that, particularly in a field of eight candidates.
In this case, we’ll provide a transcript of what was said. If you have a moment, read on:
The Questioner: “I see a great a contradiction going on in our society, right now, and I don’t understand it. Maybe you can help me out. On the one hand, we see a guy like Michael Vick, who will likely lose his livelihood and spend some time in jail and there’s been a tremendous outcry against this man because of fighting dogs. There’s been a huge, huge reaction. On the other hand, we have 34 years and counting where thousands of innocent, sweet babies are being killed every day through what we call abortion, yet that voice has seemingly died out. What would you do about that and what’s happening in our society when people can’t seem to see this contradiction?”
Mr. Obama: “The issue of abortion, I don’t think, has gone away. People think about it a lot, obviously you do and you feel impassioned. I think that the American people struggle with two principles: There’s the principle that a fetus is not just an appendage, it’s potential life. I think people recognize that there’s a moral element to that. They also believe that women should have some control over their bodies and themselves and there is a privacy element to making those decisions.
“I don’t think people take the issue lightly. A lot of people have arrived in the view that I’ve arrived at, which is that there is a moral implication to these issues, but that the women involved are in the best position to make that determination. And I don’t think they make it lightly. I don’t think they make it callously, so I reject a comparison between a woman struggling with these issues and Michael Vick fighting dogs for sport. I don’t think that’s sort of how people perceive it.
“Now, this is one of those areas – again, I think it’s important to be honest – where I don’t think you’re ever going to get a complete agreement on this issue. If you believe that life begins at conception, then I can’t change your mind. I think there is a large agreement, for example, that late-term abortions are really problematic and there should be a regulation. And it should only happen in terms of the mother’s life or severe health consequences, so I think there is broad agreement on these issues." _____________________________________________________________

Politicians sure know how to dance around and around. Obama is one of the best, in my opinion. Not that he doesn't have a sincerity about him, for he does. However, he knows how to not say things, and to shift things, and that's what is wrong. If you truly believe abortion is a good thing, then say it, and stand up for it. But be sure you have done your homework in seeing what is involved in an abortion.

He says that women don't take it lightly. I disagree. It's so easy to say these type of things, and they sound so right and wonderful, but has he ever seen an abortion clinic do it's thing? Has he spoken to any of the girls who have abortions? It's an evil that many try to avoid and cover up, for the sake of selfishness.

Abortion is a procedure that rips little arms and legs and heads apart when the "fetus" is very young. But even at conception this is life created by God.

God is the big problem isn't He. The Bible is another problem. And we either need to eliminate God and His Word, or make Him into our own image, which is exactly what this governmnet has done, and remove the Bible from having any authority whatsoever. And in the Word of God's place of authority, the Government will take over.

This government has turned it's back on Christ the Lord. It has added Christ in with all the other gods, and said, "This is more appealing, and lets all be nice and get along".

Obama has no regard for the small legs being torn apart. He says he cares about the older developed baby, but he never used to. He's playing politics with life, and I must totally stand firm against anyone who approves of abortion, which Obama does.


jazzycat said...

The Democratic party sold out to the pro-abortion extremists long ago. They (liberals) have no tolerance for non-politically correct positions. Their national candidates must conform to certain litmus tests such as abortion to have a chance for their nomination. Until things change, and I don't see that happening anytime soon, I would not vote for my son if he ran as a democrat. This does not mean I am an avid Republican, but more an anti-Democrat.

I've said too much but the intolerance and ungodliness of the left just gets me steamed.

donsands said...

It's good to speak from the heart Wayne. Thanks for sharing.

Litl-Luther said...

Good article Don. I thought the same thing when I heard everyone up and arms about Michael Vick. Perhaps what he did is wrong, but it seems so insignificant next to the mass murder legally being performed by doctors who took the Hippocratic oath to perserve life. Hypocritical oath is more appropriate.


donsands said...

" Hypocritical oath is more appropriate."

Yep. These doctors become numb to it after a while.
I heard a few testimonies from abortionist who came to Christ, and they mainly got into it for the $$$$.