Thursday, January 03, 2008

The flu got me! Nasty ! I'm one sick monkey!

Some of the fam on Christmas Eve. It really was a nice time.

Matthew Shive, grandson #2

I think I got the Flu from this beautiful boy on Christmas Eve. Matt was very sick that night, but he was such a blessing to have over. What a trooper he was.
He's doing find now. But I haven't slept very well for the past three nights. I have all kinds of symptoms, but the worse thing is the constant coughing.

Makes you talk to the Lord a lot when you have the flu though. That's about the only good thing. I must say I hate it. Oh yeah, now I have Pink-Eye, and it sure doesn't put me in the 'pink', actually I'm kinda blue, and in the black.

If you happen to stop by, feel free to ask the Lord to help get over this flu-thing. Thanks.


jazzycat said...

My prayers for a speedy recovery.

Craver Vii said...

Prayin' for you, Bro.

donsands said...

Thanks, I do appreciate it. God is good.