Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"March for Life"

How does the Lord look upon those who pray to Mary, and pray the rosary, in order to do away with abortion? There are many at this march today who are devout Catholics, who are praying to Mary, and trusting in saying dozens and dozens of "Hail Mary's" for the overturn of Roe vs Wade. How does the Triune God of heaven and earth receive such petitions?

Some would say He simply winks at these good hearted people, and allows it; no biggie. And that God may even answer these prayers which are off the mark, but are well meaning. I'm not so sure.

I truly believe abortion is an evil transgression, one of the most wicked of our times. I also believe that all these hundreds and hundreds of petitions to Mary are blasphemies, and so they are quite wicked in themselves, because these who pray to Mary are adding to the Holy Scriptures, and disregarding how the Word of God teaches us to pray.

I don't judge the hearts of these people, but I must say that this practice of saying, and praying, the rosary is condemned by our Lord, and people need to repent of this God dishonoring way of praying.

I am, however, grateful for, and happy to see, all these people march to Washington DC and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

And so, I pray to the Lord God, through the Holy Spirit, and by the name of Jesus Christ, that God would have mercy on the USA. I pray that He would grant us the power, and show us the way, so that we can overturn this horrible legalization of killing babies; and so the law will once again state that it is illegal to kill, abort, or terminate a life in the womb. Amen.


jazzycat said...

May God bless you for your faithfulness. Your comments, encouragement, and uncompromising stand for gospel truth is an inspiration. Thanks for your visits to jazzycat and bluecollar.

donsands said...

Thanks Wayne. Keep speaking the truth in love brother, for it pleases the Lord, though it may not please some of those who hear.

And it's only by His grace, that we are not in their place.
So may His grace capture the hearts of many in our day, for the glory of His grace and name. Amen.

lorenzothellama said...

When did Our Lord condemn those you prayed to Our Lady through the Rosary? He was dead years before this practice grew up.

donsands said...

Thanks llama for the visit. Nice to see the llama at my blog.

Here's my answer to your question:

"But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Matt. 6:6

The Lord is very, very clear in how He wants us to pray. God will not share His glory with another. he is God, and all worship, prayer, petitions are to be to God alone, and only through His Holy Son, Jesus Christ.
There's no other way to pray then that by which our Lord taught us; and the Scriptures teach us.

Praying to Mary is worthless, and blaphemous. Man made this teaching take affect. It's not of God. It's of man, and even the devil.

I grew up Catholic, and said many Hail Mary's, and they were all vain, and even sinful.

God is so gracious, and He wants us to come to Him, but we have to come His way, not any way we think up.

Here's one more verse: "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

If Christ's blood has cleansed you from your sin, and He is your High Priest, then you can come confidently to God with all your cares, petitions, and supplications, and He will gladly hear us.

lorenzothellama said...

But surely His mother is worshiped as Queen in the Book of Revelation?

donsands said...

No, that's not His mother in John's vision.

Difficult to interpret Revelation, but when taking together with all the counsel of God, only God is worthy of worship. And the God of Scripture is a Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Mary was a human, who needed a Savior. She worshipped God. She was an incredible godly saint of the Lord.
But she as all humans are saved by grace through faith. We are all under Adam's sin, and that includes Mary.

I look forward to seeing Mary in glory.
She is a marvelous example of someone who was humble, loving, and obedient to her Lord God.

God forbid that anyone who is a Christian, and is born again, and loves Jesus Christ would ever worship anyone other than the Triune God of Scripture.

God is a holy, holy, holy Lord, and He alone is to be worshipped.

Thanks for the good question. Have a good day.

lorenzothellama said...

Actually, it's have a good night!
I'm just on my way to bed.

I was told by a fellow Catholic (not a priest or nun) that at the wedding at Cana, they went to Mary because they run out of wine, and asked her to intercede with Jesus on their behalf.

Now I think this is the thinking behind why Catholics ask Mary to intercede on our behalf. Only think, mind you.

Part of the Nicene Creed is belief in 'the communion of saints'. I must ask my priest to tell me a bit more about this because frankly I've never fully understood it, but I think it is that when people get to heaven they can then pray for us here on earth.

I say the words of the Creed each Sunday and there are some bits of it that I don't quite understand. I don't think it is necessary to understand everything.


donsands said...

"I don't think it is necessary to understand everything."

That's true. But we do need to understand the pure and simple truth of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Lord of all mankind.

Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
He who believes in Him is NOT CONDEMNED; BUT he who DOES NOT believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3:16-18

God's wrath is upon this ungodly and unthankful world. Jesus came to bring forgiveness in Himself, and His death on the Cross.
He rose from the dead, and is now with His Father in heaven, where He rules and reigns with all authority.

Whoever calls out to Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord shall be saved from God's wrath.

There's more, but this is basically the Good News for a world full of bad news.

Thanks for the visit.