Thursday, January 24, 2008

" So .. with the mind I serve the Law of God, and in the flesh the law of sin

"This is the clearest passage of all[Romans 7:24-25], and from it we learn that one and the same (believing) person serves at the same time the Law of God and the Law of sin. He is at the same time justified and yet a sinner (simul iustus est et peccat); for he does not say: "My mind serves the Law of God"; nor does he say: "My flesh serves the Law of sin"; but he says: "I myself." That is, the whole man, one and the same person, is in this twofold servitude. .... The saints (believers) are at the same time sinners while they are righteous. They are righteous, because they believe in Christ, whose righteousness covers them and is imputed to them. But they are sinners, inasmuch as they do not fulfill the Law, and still have sinful lusts." -Martin Luther

Some very fine words for us here from Dr. Martin Luther. And these are comforting words for the child of Christ. The genuine born again believer will hate that he loves sin, and so, to realize that this sin will fight us to our dying day, is needed, so that we do not become downcast so much so that we condemn ourselves. Surely we must fight the good fight of faith and godliness, and we need to know the fight is a daily struggle, and shall be until we die.
So if your are truly a born again believer in Christ, and you love Him, and hate that you love sin as well, take heart, and be not condemned, for Christ is greater than your heart.

"Therefore now there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Amen.

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