Monday, January 07, 2008

The Steadfast Friend of Truth

"Nowadays the truth that God has revealed seems of less account with men than their own thoughts and dreams, ... Oh, scorn on those who only believe what everybody else believes, just because they must be in the swim with the majority. These are but dead fish borne on the current, and they will be washed away to a shameful end. As living fish swim against the stream, so do living Christians pursue Christ's truth against the set and current of the times, defying alike the ignorance and the culture of the age. It is the believer's honor, the chivalry of a Christian, to be the steadfast friend of truth when all other men have forsaken it." -CH Spurgeon

" .. a large male chum salmon is attempting to cross a flooded roadway in the lower Skokomish valley. Behind it, a dozen or so other salmon are awaiting their chance at a crossing. Many of these chum salmon will be successful in reaching their upstream spawning grounds,"

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