Friday, March 28, 2008

"I am a great sinner, and am being changed from glory to glory, for God's glory, because I have a great Savior!"

God is faithful, and He will keep His promises. I don't keep mine all the time as I should. However, Jesus could never NOT keep His promises. And what a comfort that is. Though some of His promises I have to endure, such as His promise to chastize me, others I can rejoice in each and every moment, such as He died for all my sin, and will never leave me.

His greatest promise, though, to me, is that He will never share His glory with another.
He is God, the Almighty, and is the only God, and He is worthy of all glory, and all honor. The genuine believer and follower of Christ will be excited that God wants all the glory, and that He is the only one to receive glory: All the glory for all the great things that are done in this universe.
The unbeliever, and psuedo-believer, doesn't really want Jesus Christ to have all the glory, they want their fair share, and that's never going to happen, for it's His grace, and His grace alone that works in a fallen word of darkness and sin. God promised He will not share the glory of His grace, and of His name, and I love Him for that.

Yet we will see His glory, and be partakers of His divine nature. We are fellow heirs of all that is God's. Wow!
But for now we need to endure with the struggle of living in a sinful dark age, trapped in a sinful body of death, and contending with a sinful scheming devil, seeking how he might devour us. But God will see us through, for He has promised. Amen.

"Father let me dedicate all this life to Thee
In whatever worldly state Thou would have me be
Not from sorrow, pain or care, freedom dare I claim
This alone shall be my prayer, glorify Thy name

Can a child presume to choose where or how to live?
Can a Father's love refuse all the best to give?
Let my glad heart, while it sings, Thee in all proclaim
And, whate'er the future brings, glorify Thy name" -Lawrence Tuttiett

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