"Let us bear much, concede much, and put up with much, before we plunge into secessions and seperations. They are movements in which there is much false fire. Let rabid zealots who delight in sect-making and party-forming, rail at us and denounce us if they please. We need not mind them. So long as we have Christ and a good conscience, let us patiently hold on our way, follow the things that make for peace, and strive to promote unity. It was not for nothing that our Lord prayed fervently that His people might be "one." -JC Ryle
There's also a bad oneness, and that is when the oneness and unity is without Christ alone as our Champion and God. Jesus Christ is the Lord of all the universe, and His death and resurrection are what the genuine Christians need to be unified in. And of course the Scriptures as well. For without the Holy Writ, which is God's Word, as our all sufficient authority, we will not have a foundation except of sand.
The rock solid foundation we need is to know God's will, and do it. And this is only possible through having His Word, which is truth, renewing our minds, and shaping our hearts, as we walk in faith, and pray in and with the Holy Spirit.
It is rare to see such an excellent example of twaddle in the written form, an excellent example.
Praise be!
Sorry you feel that way tca.
But that was an excellent example of rude sarcasm, a perfect example really.
Which is worse? To call the words of Jesus (and the admonishing words of a respected elder who teaches Jesus' words) "twaddle," or that the children of the Kingdom bicker like "rabid zealots?" I don't want to do either. I would much rather be your Barnabas!
Thanks Craver. You are a Barnabas, son of encouragement.
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