Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit"- St. Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ

"Prayer is the position the devil is struggling for; the struggle is around the position of prayer and the simplicity of prayer. ... When we emphasize the cost of prayer to us, we are wrong. The cost to us is nothing; it is a supreme and superb privilege marked by supernatural ease because of what it cost God.

...It is not prayer that is strenuous, but the overcoming of our own laziness. .. The basis of prayer is not what it costs us, but what it cost God to enable us to pray.

One of the greatest difficulties in war is to find a man who can keep his head when everyone else is losing theirs. ..."Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God"--not to fight, but to stand. We are not to attack, to storm the forts of darkness. We are told to stand, unpanicky and unbudged, more than conquerors. ...

The devil is a bully, but he cannot stand for a second before God. When we stand in the armor of God he pays no attention to us, but if we tackle the devil in our own strength we are done for. If we stand in God's armor with the strength and courage of God, Satan cannot gain one inch of way. This is the only way to hold the position of prayer and to be untouched by Satan's wiles." -Oswald Chambers

[Chambers died 15 November 1917 in Egypt as the result of a ruptured appendix. He suffered the extreme pain of appendicitis for three days before seeking medical attention, refusing to take a hospital bed needed by wounded soldiers.]


mommanator said...

those words were true then and forever! Praise be to God

donsands said...

And praise Him again.