Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"..And Thou shalt Bruise His Heel". Genesis 3:15

"Last of all, let us resist the devil always with this belief, that he has received a broken head. ... we are to resist him by all means. Let us do this bravely, and tell him to his teeth that we are not afraid of him. Tell him to recollect his bruised head, which he tries to cover with a crown of pride, or with a popish cowl, or with an infidel doctor's hood. We know him and see the deadly wound he bears. His power is gone; he is fighting a lost battle; he is contending against omnipotence. He has set himself against the oath of the Father; against the blood of the incarnate Son; against the eternal power and Godhead of the blessed Spirit, all of which are engaged in the defence of the seed of the woman in the day of battle. Therefore, brethern, be ye steadfast in resisting the evil one, being strong in faith, giving glory to God." --Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Jesus said to the religous leaders in his time, (who are really no different than leaders throughout history, and even in our day), that their father was the devil, and not God. What a statement. Can you see our Lord looking these men in the eyes, and then saying:
"You are not of God, and He's not your Father, but Satan is your father, and you obey him, as he was a snake, so are you, you vipers".

This made their hatred even greater in its wrath. If one doesn't love and worship Christ alone, and believe in the Gospel of Christ, and also honor and love his neighbor, then this one's father is the devil.
The devil was my father, and I was a child of wrath, until Christ sought me, and rescued me from myself, and from the devil's power and domain.
Peter says, "Resist the devil, for he is our adversary, and roams about as a roaring lion, looking to see whom he may devour." And Peter knew all about the devil's power, and how he can tempt, and sift us like wheat. I wonder if Peter didn't look back on our Lord's charge at Gethsemane on the dark and holy night: "Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation", and wish a thousand times over that he would have listen to His Lord.
May we watch and pray, and resist the devil. Amen.


jazzycat said...

Good post Don. BTW, you and Mark did a great apologetics job with Jarret over at the Moor.

donsands said...

Thanks Wayne. It truly is God's grace, and His wisdom through the Holy Spirit. And He allows us to be His workmanship.

mommanator said...

we have to be aware constantly for those vipers! thanks be Him for the cross and the way!