Saturday, June 14, 2008

Shane Claiborne is on his way to Washington DC to share his, "Jesus for President", thing. Here's a review on one of his other books by Tim Challies.

I'm thinking I may go to this meeting. It may help me to see how others are living for Christ, though in a way that I disagree with.

I can be quite judgmental at times, and maybe this visit to Shane's "Jesus for President" meeting, will help me, and even if I end up disagreeing, which I probably will, I can hopefully walk away with a less critical spirit, and more appreciation for the way others serve Christ.
Though I will never quite understand how someone who loves Christ, and serves Him, can be indifferent to the Bible; God's writings to His children.

Without the Word of God abiding in us, Christ Himself will not be abiding in us (John 15:5-7), and so we will not be able to be conformed into His image. The Body of Christ needs to have a hunger for every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God, as our Lord Jesus told us we must, and to live on His word, and not just bread.

The Scriptures are so magnificent, and Satan is selling the Church a bill of goods, that says, "The Bible is alright, but you need to simply follow Christ, and listen to your heart, and love others". He's a liar.
God wrote all 66 books of the Bible for His beloved children, and I pray we would be excited and thankful for the privilege to read, study, and ponder this most awesome of all books. Amen.

ps The Bible pictured is Martin Luther's of 1534.


Michael Shive said...

I'll go with you - just go easy on the guy, OK!? You know, I could have gone without reading that review but at least it woke me up!

I don't agree with everything Claiborne says either but hey, the guy is a Jesus freak - sold out, living for him, and changing the world through ACTION. Challies takes several quotes out of context too. I can't believe he read that whole book and doesn't think Claiborne rejects pantheism. Just a critic being a critic I suppose. Must be nice to be paid to judge other people.

donsands said...

That would be great, if you and Steph let me tag along with you.

I'll go extra easy. And maybe the Lord will teach me how to be more like Himself; lowly and meek, and always "speaking the truth in love".

mommanator said...

truly "food for thought" it sent me directly to the scriptures & prayer! Deut 17, Col 3:15-17, James 1, Rev 10, Psalm 119- jst to mention a few