Saturday, June 21, 2008

Playing 'Wii' with the Fam.

Here I am "trying" to play Wii soccer, (which is basically Nintendo, I guess). Objects come flying at your head, and you have to hit the soccer ball with your head, but avoid the other objects like shoes, and stuff.
I scored 6 points. I asked my grandsons if that was good. Josh said, "Thats pretty bad Pop".

These new Nintendo games, and things, are way over my head. But it's what everyone is doing today seems like. Wii is the grandest way to have fun today. And it is amazing how many different games and devices this Wii has. Mkaes the mind swim.

Just having fun at my daughter's house on Dad's Day, or any day really, is the blessing that I cherish. Just being with her and her family is heart warming joy.
The Lord has been ever so gracious to me. I can't thank Him enough for all the blessings He has given me. Even my thankful heart is from Him, which I must thank Him for as well.


Paul G said...

Thank you for sharing some of your family life.
I can see that our wonderful Lord has blessed you richly and will continually bless you!
I am sure you would be a great Pop to your grand Children, always sharing interesting stories about the majesty of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

donsands said...

Thanks Paul.

jazzycat said...

Glad you had a good father's day... I doubt you will ever be able to beat young'ns playing nintindo!

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit Wayne.
Nice new blog, btw. Keep on.