Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"..and Scripture can not be broken." John 10:35

"..He [Jesus] lays down the great principle, "the Scripture can not be broken." It is as though He said, "Wherever the Scripture speaks plainly on any subject, there can be no more question about it. The cause is settled and decided. Every jot and tittle of Scripture is true, and must be received as conclusive."

The principle here laid down by our Lord is one of vast importance. Let us grasp it firmly, and never let it go. Let us maintain boldly the complete inspiration of every Word of the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. ....There are difficulties in Scripture, we need not shrink from conceding, things hard to explain, hard to reconcile, and hard to understand. But in almost all these difficulties, the fault, we may justly suspect, is not so much in Scripture as in our own weak minds. ....The wisest course is to walk in the old path,--the path of faith and humility; and say, "I cannot give up a single word of my Bible. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. The Scripture cannot be broken." -JC Ryle


Unknown said...

Due to Censorship on between two worlds (which really says a lot about the website)

I try to find u here to get an answer if you are willing......

Curious how you reconcile the passages from the previous post there while living in a modern society. You said you stand by it, but how do you live by these rules of scripture?

Even by me questioning you on these points is trying to draw you away form the true God requires from scripture that YOU stone me to death.

God's counsel to parents is straightforward: whenever children get out of line, we should beat them with a rod (Proverbs 13:24,20:30, and 23:13-14). If they are shameless enough to talk back to us, we should kill them (Exodus 21:15, Leviticus 20:9, Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Mark 7:9-13, and Matthew 15:4-7). We must also stone people to death for heresy, adultery, homosexuality, working on the Sabbath, worshipping graven images, practicing sorcery, and a wide variety of other imaginary crimes.


If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, entices you secretly, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods,"... you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him; but you shall kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.... If you hear in one of your cities, which the LORD your God gives you to dwell there, that certain base fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of the city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods" which you have not known, then you shall inquire and make search and ask diligently; and behold, if it be true and certain that such an abominable thing has been done among you, you shall surely put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, destroying it utterly, all who are in it and its cattle, with the edge of the sword.
----DEUTERONOMY 13:6, 8-15


As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are round about you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you, to inherit as a possession forever; you may make slaves of them, but over your brethren the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness.
—Leviticus 25:44—46


The Ten Commandments forbid the practice of any non—Judeo-Christian faith (like Hinduism), most religious art, utterances like "God damn it!," and all ordinary work on the Sabbath—all under penalty of death.


For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall he called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
---MATTHEW 5:18-19

The above passages are as canonical as any in the Bible."

Are you sure you don't just pick an choose?

donsands said...

The foundation of understanding the Scriptures is Christ.

We have to begin with Christ crucified, and risen.

If you don't believe He was the Lamb of God, who died for the sins of mankind, and then rose again, then all the rest of God's truth will be difficult to consider.

Even when one comes to trust in Christ, and finds the forgiveness of God, the Scriptures have a depth to them in many things, though the Gospel message is pure and simple.

God wants us to read, study, and ponder His Word; every Word. And His Spirit will reveal the truth therein to our new hearts and minds.

It's a mind washing which happens, but in a loving and genuine way, from a marvelous Savior. Not like the world's philosophies brain wash us with their own agendas.

Thanks for stopping by.

James, do you believe that Jesus of Nazerath died and rose from the dead, as is indisputably recorded in the Bible?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply although I hope you don't think its rude but, I think you completely refused to answer my Question.......

I asked:




Follow the specific teachings of God laid out in the Bible that I out lined above and as you claimed live by the unbroken rules of Scripture.

By your words

"Jesus Christ verified the Scriptures that they cannot be broken"

No wiggle now, do you stand by what you wrote and follow the teachings of God outlined above?


"James, do you believe that Jesus of Nazareth died and rose from the dead, as is indisputably recorded in the Bible?"

I have no more reason to believe that is true over any of these beliefs:

The Aztecs sacrificing virgins for soil fertility

Rivers and mountains were formed by giant snakes etc in Aboriginal culture

The Egyptian gods expected embalmed Pharaohs to meet them on the other side of the river Styx.

Plus Tens of Thousands of similar other claims people have believed exactly as strongly as you do from other faiths/religions. Good people utterly convinced and willing to die or murder others for their belief.

The belief you consider true with all you heart is without question a product of your up bringing and surroundings. If you had been raised in other time periods and/or counties then you would not believe what you do now

There are Tens of Thousands of different beliefs that you would consider "Truth" in exactly the same way.... For example:

Do you believe:

Muhammad was correct in assuring his followers that Jesus was not divine (Koran 5:71-75; 19:30-38) and that anyone who believes otherwise will spend eternity in hell.

If you were raised in Iran or Saudi Arabia etc you would believe that with exactly the same conviction that you have now about Jesus.

Do you accept that?

I have no doubt that your acceptance of Christ coincided with some very positive changes in your life. Perhaps you now love other people in a way that you never imagined possible. You may even experience feelings of bliss while praying. I do not wish to denigrate any of these experiences. I would point out, however, that billions of other human beings, in every time and place, have had similar experiences—but they had them while thinking about Krishna, or Allah, or the Buddha, while making art or music, or while contemplating the beauty of Nature. There is no question that it is possible for people to have profoundly transformative experiences. And there is no question that it is possible for them to misinterpret these experiences, and to further delude themselves about the nature of reality.

Even from your own religion its become a mockery of fractured beliefs about incompatible central tenants.

According to Pew’s August survey, only 39 percent of Christians believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, and 18 percent think that it’s just a book written by men and not the word of God at all. In fact, on the question in the Pew survey about what it would take to achieve eternal life, only 1 percent of Christians said living life in accordance with the Bible.


donsands said...

"No wiggle now"

It's not a wiggle.

There's a reason I believe the Scripture is the truth of God every Word.

It's because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. As I said. I was just stating the foundation of my faith, and why I believe the Bible.

If Christ had not risen from the dead, then I would be as you, a skeptic.

I'll try and give you a short and sweet answer to all the Scripture you ask about, how's that. Though you seem to be settled that everything in this life is one big fable, except for evolution, which to me is the hugest fable of all.

God created man in His own image. We didn't evolve from lightning striking mud, and then slim, and so on to apes, and so on.

God cretaed woman for man. Adam sinned. And so all human's were cursed by God.

And so man multiplied upon the Earth. Mankind was wicked and God destroyed all mankind with a flood, except Noah and his family.

The Earth was then populated through these four men and four women, to what we have today, not to mention all the billions of people who died.
If you think apes, chimps, and orangtangs some how began, little by little, to give birth to a little less ape, and more human, then you have greater faith then me James.

So mankind is sinful from Adam.

God came to one man in the midst of this filthy ungodly world, and chose Abram. And from Abram came Moses, who was God's man to bring God's law to this special people He elected out of all the differnet ethnic groups in the world.

The Jews were given laws to be seperated unto God. They were to hate sin, and God had severe ways of dealing with sin, because sin will make you it's slave, and then take you to God's condemnation.

In fact, no man can serve God, because we are sinners and rebels, and we don't believe God, nor love Him, but in fact hate Him.

But God so loved the world, that He gave Jesus Christ to be crucified for our sins, to all who come to God and cry out for mercy.

Christ is building His church. He is bringing His people together, and He has given us His Word in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

God is real, and His Word is here for all who will believe.

James you nedd to repent and believe the good news of Christ dead, and risen, and then when you die you will have eternal life with Him.

Unknown said...

"If you think apes, chimps, and orangtangs some how began, little by little, to give birth to a little less ape, and more human, then you have greater faith then me James."

Wow...... You might as well say

"If you think the earth is round rather then flat, then you have far greater faith then me"

There is no evidence in favour of the bible story of creation, only alleged gaps in the completeness of the evolutionary account. The positive evidence for the fact of evolution is truly massive, made up of hundreds of thousands of mutually corroborating observations. These come from areas such as geology, paleontology, comparative anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, ethology, biogeography, embryology and - increasingly nowadays - molecular genetics.

The weight of the evidence has become so heavy that opposition to the fact of evolution is laughable to all who are acquainted with even a fraction of the published data.

The creation story is:

Here is the conclusion. What facts can we find to support it?

Where as evolution is using The Scientific Method:

Here are the facts. What conclusions can we draw from them?

"James you need to repent and believe the good news of Christ dead, and risen, and then when you die you will have eternal life with Him."

I couldn't think of anything worse

But what makes you so sure you are spending eternal life with God....... Some many religions..... So many versions of you own faith, believed no different from people like you.

EVEN if 1 of the prayed to Gods did exist, your odds would be very low that you happen to be worshiping the right faith/version.

How would you feel/respond if a Muslim told you that you must repent and accept Allah and the Prophet Muhammad to have eternal life them?

About living by Scripture again.... What do you score on this quiz I wonder?