Thursday, February 19, 2009

"The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."

"This earth has been trodden by the feet of God, and yet it was not crushed beneath the mighty burden, because He deigned to link his Deity with our humanity. The incarnation is a wonder of wonders, but it does not belong to the realm of imagination, or even of expectation, for it has actually been beheld by mortal eyes. ...The Son of the Highest, has been here. From Bethlehem to Calvary He has traversed life's pilgrimage. Thirty years or more yonder canopy of sky hung above the head of Deity in human form. O wondrous joy! Say rather, O matchless hive of perfect sweets, for a thousand joys lie close compacted in the word 'Immanuel'--God with us, 'The Son of man is come.' -Charles Spurgeon

Jesus did a lot of walking when He visited us. Those holy feet took the good news of eternal life many hundreds of miles throughout Palestine. And it came to pass that Jesus permitted His feet to be driven through with an iron spike for the forgiveness of our sins, which is the good news our Lord proclaimed, and He, in a genuine yet spiritually mysterious sense, became our sin (2 Cor. 5:21). And His accomplishment at the Cross makes a way for us to be clothed in His righteousness as well. And so we are forever justified before the throne of the Lord God Almighty, and we will never have to be judged for our sins, and so we inherit eternal life, but only by His grace and mercy, as we trust in Christ with our hearts, and confess Him as our Lord with our mouths.
What a Savior and God!


mommanator said...

read this is a book today
" to successfully make the home of my dreams and God's call a reality, I have to be there, working and weaving on it every day"
Thank God for the blood and the savior of us all however we must continually be working on becoming more like HIM!

donsands said...

"however we must continually be working on becoming more like HIM!"

Amen. It's Christ, and His grace in me that works through me. And at times it's through blood, sweat, & tears.

Thanks for always being an encouragement to me mommanator.