Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"If you continue in My Word, then you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:31-32

"..when He the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth." John 16:13

"That promise was for our sakes, no doubt, as well as for theirs. What ever we need to know for our present peace and sanctification, the Holy Ghost is ready to teach us. All truth in science, nature, and philosophy of course is not included in this promise. But into all spiritual truth that is really profitable, and that our minds can comprehend and bear, the Holy Spirit is ready and willing to guide us. Then let us never forget, in reading the Bible, to pray for the teaching of the Holy Ghost. We must not wonder if we find the Bible a dark and difficult book, if we do not regularly seek light from Him by whom it was first inspired. In this, as in many other things, "we have not because we ask not." -John Charles Ryle, Bishop of Liverpool 1816-1900.

"J.C. Ryle was a prolific writer, vigorous preacher, and faithful pastor. He was born at Macclesfield and educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford.
He was a fine athlete who rowed and played Cricket for Oxford, where he took a first class degree in Greats and was offered a college fellowship (teaching position) which he declined. ....Ryle combined his commanding presence and vigorous advocacy of his principles with graciousness and warmth in his personal relations. Vast numbers of working men and women attended his special preaching meetings, and many became Christians." (Wikipedia)


Joe said...

What a great man of God J.C. Ryle was. Thank you for sharing this today.

donsands said...

He surely was, and his teachings are very edifying and encouraging.

Thanks for stoppin' by Joe.

Craver Vii said...

"...with graciousness and warmth in his personal relations."That's something that I could stand to improve upon. Last Sunday someone wanted to leave my church because of me. I'm trying, Bro; I just gotta keep on trying.

donsands said...

"Last Sunday someone wanted to leave my church because of me."

If I was in your church Craver, you would be one of the reason why I would want to stay there. Not that we know each other face to face, but still, I have come to know you through many discussions, and from Susan.

I have had people leave the church because of my stance on doctrine. In fact, my last church split up because I with the other elders took a stand for the Gospel.
Were we 100% right? No. we did some things wrong, however we had no self-righteous agenda. We had no malice. We had only love for the people, and for doing what was right for our church to do, according to the Bible, and according to the way our church was doing things.

God opened the hearts, and it was ugly and nasty. The elders never got nasty, but the Spirit of truth and love stayed with us. We admitted our sin, and asked for forgiveness. yet, bottom line, we did the right thing, just a bit of bad timing.

See that Craver, you got me venting, as they say. And it's good for the soul brother.

Lord bless you Craver. You're a good Christian. Keep on.

mommanator said...

great insite he had to the living word