Monday, October 18, 2010

"Jesus answered them,...have you not read what was said to you by God:‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?"

Jesus told the Jews, (those who did not believe in a resurrection), that even though Abraham died, he was still alive, as was his son Issac, and grandson Jacob. Jesus said: "He is not God of the dead, but of the living." Matt. 22:32

JC Ryle says this:

"Perhaps we are often tempted to doubt the truth of a resurrection, and a life to come. But, unhappily, it is easy to hold truths theoretically, and yet not realize them practically. There are few of us who would not find it good to meditate on the mighty verity which our Lord here unfolds, and to give it a prominent place in our thoughts. Let us settle it in our minds, that the dead are in one sense still alive. From our eyes they have passed away, and their place knows them no more. But in the eyes of God they live, and will one day come forth from their graves to receive an everlasting sentence. There is no such thing as annihilation. The idea is a miserable delusion. The sun, moon, and stars,--the solid mountains, and deep sea, will one day come to nothing. But the weakest babe of the poorest man shall live evermore, in another world. may we never forget this! Happy is he who can say from his heart the words of the Nicene Creed, "I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come."

There are those who just can seem to accept eternal damnation.

John R.W. Stott is one such theologian. He has a very humble view of annihilation. In fact, he is the only Church leader who I have opened my ears to.
Stott says he can't in his mind accept the teaching of eternal separation from God, because if he did he would be immensely discouraged, and even despair to the uttermost.
That's a good heart. And yet, the Scriptures overrule our sensitive hearts, don't they.
Stott tries to find solace in the Bible for his heart, and he does to a degree. However, in the end, the truth is clear that there will be eternal separation from God for those who reject Christ, and for all unrepentant sinners. And these sinners shall live for all eternity.

Christ's death and blood is the only forgiveness for sin. If we have Him, and he has us, then we are forgiven; completely forgiven of all our sins.
If we don't have Christ, and He doesn't have us, then we shall give an account for our sin.
And God says sinners will be cast out, and thrown into their just reward, which is hell, and total darkness forever. But, for all how bow their heart and life to Christ, and ask God to forgive shall inherit glorious life with Jesus forevermore!

And Jesus will receive all who come to Him, and will not refuse. That is an awesome God and Savior!

Inferno by Paul Gustave Doré (1832-1883)


Craver Vii said...

Some say that there will be eternal separation from God for those who reject Christ, and that is true, but I prefer to say that there will be eternal separation for all those who are not in Christ. The reason is because some have postulated that if a person is not capable of rejecting Christ, they will therefore not be subject to eternal condemnation.

If we follow this to its logical conclusion (reductio ad absurdum), we bring condemnation to people by preaching the gospel. That contradicts Jesus' words in Jn. 3:17.

Tony Evans also taught something like this in the appendix of his book, Totally Saved. That is how he offered comfort for those who struggle with the question, "What about those who have never heard?"

Let God's words be true and every man a liar. That may sound harsh, but I do not want to believe any man over God, no matter how plausible or comforting the man's argument.

donsands said...

Good word Craver.

I agree.

God owes nothing to any sinner, except condemnation. We are without hope, unless we are in Christ.

There are those before the incarnation who were in Christ, because of their faith, like Abraham, David, Lot, Moses, Gideon, and many more, even thousands who are not named in the Bible.
Their faith was accounted to them for righteousness. Romans 4.
Same for us who are after Christ.

There is a doctrine, Inclusivism, that must be very similar to Tony Evans.

here's a deabte of James White and John Sanders on this issue.