Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Of things most forbidden we always are fain: And things most denied we seek to obtain."

"It is good to remember what true Christians really are. Many and great are the mistakes into which people fall, by forming a false estimate of the Christian's character. Many are the bitter things which people write against themselves, by expecting to find in their hearts what cannot be found on this side of heaven. Let us settle it in our minds that saints on earth are not perfect angels, but only converted sinners. They are sinners renewed, changed, sanctified, no doubt; but they are yet sinners, and will be till they die. ... Happy is the child of God who understands these things, and has learned to judge rightly both of himself and others. Rarely indeed shall we find the saint who does not often need that prayer, "Lord, I believe: help Thou mine unbelief." -J.C. Ryle

The genuine Christian will be convicted by sin, hate sin, and repent of sin. He will never be nonchalant with his sin. He will see the Cross, where his sin was bore, and depise himself, and yet rejoice in his forgiveness. And this will cause him to fear the Lord.

Contrariwise,those who have an excuse for their sin, who feel sorry for themselves, who blame others for how they are, and make little of their sin, these are those who have a form of godliness, but deny the power of the Gospel. These are those who need a new heart, who need to cry out for God's mercy, and who need to be broken and come to own all their sinful behavior, and then to repent with godly sorrow, and not continue to suppress the truth, that they themselves deserve hell. Then, and only then, will they see the goodness of the Cross, the great mercy that it truly is. These are those who think they were worth God's death, and are glad that God loves them, and their only conviction for sin is self pity.

Actually this IS mankind, isn't it. We want, we deserve, we even demand God to explain Himself before I accept Him. If He's really the kind of God I like then I'll worship Him. These are those who will say, "Lord, Lord, I accepted You. I went to church. I was on the board. I tithed. I even taught Sunday School". Jesus will say, "I never knew you!"
Only those who have been born again, those who have trusted in the risen King of kings, and have repented, and turned from themselves to God, are those whom Christ will welcome into His kingdom, and into His holy presence.


Craver Vii said...

Apparently, JC Ryle knew what he wanted on HIS tombstone. That's quite different from some of the clergy who are making the news these days.

Say, would you happen to know where I could get my hands on some real fresh salmon?

donsands said...

I'd like to have: "I loved Jesus, becasue He first loved me, and gave Himself for me."

Yeah, I have a friend who goes salmon fishing in upper NY state, and brings home lots of salmon. I could mail you a fish or two. But then it wouldn't be fresh, would it.

Craver Vii said...

The picture on your previous post still has me cracking up. They ought to put a "fish crossing" sign up over that bridge.